What Is Social Search, and Will It Take Over in 2024?

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Most Americans spend a significant amount of time on social media connecting with family and friends, learning new skills, and seeking out others with similar interests. Social media has become a popular vehicle for online search, particularly among young adults. That trend is expected to continue in 2024.

Definition of Social Search

Social search considers a user’s interests, as well as the interests of that person’s connections, to provide curated, relevant content. When people like the content they see on social media, they can easily share it with their family and friends. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok regularly introduce new features to better serve their users.

Search engines like Google can show social media content when users perform searches. Including keywords and hashtags in social media posts helps search engines find relevant content when a user searches for a term of interest.

Emerging Technologies in Social Search

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the landscape regarding online search. Those tools help social media platforms better understand users’ interests and provide a regular stream of content that will appeal to them. Personalization helps keep users engaged and encourages them to share content with others.

Content Creation for Social Search Visibility

Content posted on social media tends to rely heavily on images and videos. That makes social media posts interesting and engaging, which means viewers are likely to share them with others in their networks.

When users view social media content that piques their interest, they often want additional information on the topic. Links in social media posts can direct traffic to a company’s website, where users can learn more about a product or service and make a purchase.

What to Expect in 2024

Many consumers, especially members of Gen Z, prefer to learn about new products, services, and trends via social search, rather than through traditional forms of advertising. In their view, personal reviews and other user-generated content are more trustworthy than professional advertisers’ content.

Although social search is gaining in popularity, most users still rely on search engines like Google to find information online. Social search will grow in popularity this year, but it’s not expected to surpass traditional search, at least not yet. 

To succeed in this changing landscape, businesses must embrace both traditional and social search. The team at Keyword Performance can design an integrated approach that uses a blend of search engine optimization and social media to build and maintain a strong online presence for your business. Contact us today to learn more.