Google Ads: Can It Help Your Business?

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For the millions of searches performed on Google every single day, there are a large amount of Google advertisements that will appear on the search engine results pages. These ads are there for businesses to promote their product and invest in further traffic for a higher chance of their service being found.

Google Ads, when implemented properly, can be a highly effective way to drive more of your target market to your website when those people are searching for exactly those product types which your business offers.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads, formerly known as Google Adwords, is the official name for the advertising potential across the search engine platform. Google Ads is there as a paid advertisement feature for businesses and brands to connect with people on a larger scale when they are searching for something specific. These ads could appear to the search user on their tablet, main internet page, their phone, whilst browsing other websites, or when searching for a new app. These ads aren’t restricted to the search engine results page only, which is another reason they can be effective marketing tools.

Google Ads is the search engine’s online advertising program that allows businesses to create ads that can better reach the right people. No matter your business size or product, you’ll be able to deliver dependable ads which best encourage your target market to take a look at what you have to offer.

Google Ads can appear within the search engine results pages (usually in a prominent position), at the side of a website page, or even along the bottom of the page.

Does Your Business Need Google Ads?

You may never have tried paid advertising before and maybe never considered Google Ads. It’s important to know whether Google Ads would work for your business and what you’re trying to sell. That being said, Google Ads is a very effective marketing tool for businesses looking to improve their visibility online.

When you choose to use Google Ads, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

Show Your Ad at the Right Time, to the Right People

If you’re an online business trying to reach a global audience, you’re going to be dealing with a lot of considerations. These include different time zones, different browsing habits and relevance of keywords used for searches. Google Ads can help you to better pinpoint how and when to place your targeted ads. You can choose the time of day when your target market is most active, for example.

This is also extremely important for local businesses. Often, searchers of local businesses will be looking for a solution there and then, which means if your business is open and your ad places at exactly the right time, your consumer is more likely to come and visit your store.

Better Cater for the Devices You Want

As technology moves forward, businesses need to be more clear about which devices their target market is using most often. This will allow you to place your paid ads on those devices which are most relevant, such as a mobile device compared to a desktop computer.

You Only Pay for Clicks

This is one feature that makes paid advertising a popular option when it’s PPC (or Pay-Per-Click). Your business only needs to pay for Google Ads when a user clicks on the advertised link. This can help you to keep costs down, but it also highlights the importance of placing ads at the right time, for the right searches, so that you can ensure that every click you pay for is worth it.

Google Ads is Great for Understanding Your Marketing and Tracking Performance

When it comes to marketing, it’s always important to track how your strategies are doing and what might need to be changed — and it’s no different with paid advertising. Google Ads allows you to track the performance of your ads by viewing the number of users who respond to your ad. In addition, you can also see the action which visitors take after clicking your ad. This helps you to understand whether website visitors are taking the action you need after viewing your ad or whether they are clicking away.

These are just some of the benefits of Google Ads, but it’s important to understand how best to use them as part of your marketing strategy as a whole.

How Do Google Ads Appear to the Right People?

A key part of your SEO strategy as a business is understanding keywords, and this also applies to using Google Ads. In fact, to use Google Ads successfully, you will need to bid on particular keywords that you would like to focus on.

When advertising for your business through this auction process, you will need to understand the keywords which most apply to your business offerings and the keywords your target market is most likely to use. You can then bid for these keywords based on your own budget, and your bid — along with Google’s Quality Score — will decide which ad appears on the search engine results pages.

Therefore, ensuring that your Google advertisements appear to the right people, market research and target market understanding is crucial for being able to determine which keywords your consumers are most likely to use or are already using.

How to Use Google Ads for Your Business

Using Google Ads should be an effective choice within a dedicated marketing strategy. It’ll allow you to extend the reach of your keywords, better understand your keywords and improve your online reach. Target Google Ads can help you to better place your website in front of your target consumers at exactly the right time.

Our Team of Professional Digital Marketers is Here to Help You with Google Ads

At Keyword Performance, we understand marketing and PPC advertising strategies, which is why we can help you with any Google Ads campaign you need for your business. Contact us today to find out how Google Ads can work to drive more traffic to your site and boost your online visibility.