Google’s Latest Core Update: What You Should Know

Google search

In June 2021, Google rolled out its latest core update. It also announced that another core update would follow in July 2021. Your website’s search engine rankings may or may not be affected.

What Is a Google Core Update?

Google updates its algorithm on a regular basis to account for changes in where and how content is published online. Google tweaks its algorithm in an effort to provide better results for its users so the company can stay competitive.

Google modifies its algorithm in incremental ways every week. From time to time (usually every few months or so), the company also makes core updates that produce broader changes.

How Will the Latest Core Update Affect Your Company’s Rankings?

It’s hard to predict how any core update might affect an individual company’s search engine rankings. Since Google plans to release another core update in July, even if your rankings take a hit now, they may rebound once the next core update is rolled out.

If your website’s rankings drop after one or both of these core updates, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a problem with your site that needs to be corrected. Your rankings may fall simply because there is newer content on the internet that ranks higher than yours. Google has also warned in the past that if businesses try to figure out what is “wrong” with their websites, their attempts to fix those issues might backfire and hurt their rankings even more.

Does Your Website Have Quality Content?

The quality of the content on your website will influence its search rankings. The best way to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs) is to provide content that people will want to read.

Online content should be original and unique. It should provide useful and accurate information and analysis that readers will find helpful and informative. Headlines and titles should describe the substance of each piece and should not be written in a way that is intended to shock or exaggerate.

Content should be written in a way that’s clear and easy to understand. It should be relevant and authoritative and should help readers find the information they’re seeking.

Need Help Producing Engaging Content?

If you need help creating online content that fits these criteria, contact Keyword Performance. We have a team of talented copywriters who can produce content that will generate interest and draw potential customers to your website. Get in touch today to learn more about how we can help your company grow and thrive.