Content Marketing is Customer Service: You Can’t Have One without the Other!

customer service content marketing

Today, customer service means a lot more than it did 10 or even 20 years ago. Once upon a time, “customer service” meant having a 1-800 number and some time to answer it, at least part-time. Later on, it meant having an FAQ page on the web site. If you made at least some sort of effort to answer customer queries, you could claim to have “customer service.”

Today, however, the stakes are much higher. To survive, companies need to focus on the customer experience. This means having every possible iteration of interactions possible with your organization.

  • What does the customer see when they log onto your site? Can it be viewed on a mobile device?
  • What do they encounter when they make a call out to you? 
  • What’s their social media experience?

Is your organization anticipating their needs and meeting them in advance, or behaving reactively and only providing attention when a crisis or a problem pops up?

It’s About Touchpoints

For the customer experience in 2020, companies need to be managing every possible touchpoint with the customer and ensuring the experience is stellar. If a customer visits your Facebook page, they’re going to want to see relevant and recent posts. If they call your main phone number, they’re not going to want to find a lot of irrelevant self-service gibberish to get through. If they’re looking to solve their own problems, you need to have the content available on your website and every other place they might seek you.

Content Marketing is Customer Support

In this way, it’s apparent that effective content marketing is a critical element of the customer experience. Content Marketing Institute’s newly released Enterprise Content Marketing 2020: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends – North America uncovers that more than half of respondents (51 percent) say their brands provide customers with an optimal customer experience across the engagement journey and say their content marketing is extremely or very successful. On the flip side, less than one-third (29 percent) of the participants rated their content marketing highly.

The truth is that customers like to find their own answers and there are a variety of ways to do that. It might be through news or social media. It might be direct Web searches or using mobile apps. It might be through YouTube, or family and friend recommendations or local listings. In all these places, there is an appropriate place for fresh and compelling content. A chance to write in your brands voice and get messaging across in the way you’d like it to be portrayed. Companies that don’t provide this relevant and local content risk getting left behind.

Professional Content is Our Business

The bottom line is that content is too critical to the customer experience and the marketing strategy today to leave to chance. If you don’t have the resources to produce fresh and innovative content in-house, we are the SEO professionals to help you.  At Keyword Performance we can help you develop a unique content marketing strategy – and the content to make it work. Reach your long-term SEO goals and start driving visitors to the places where they belong.  Get a FREE SEO CONSULTATION!